Podcast Ep. 005 | A Holy History #1 – Adam & Eve

Show notes:

This is the first episode in a new series based on a devotional booklet I wrote last year – A Holy History. This looks at the big picture of OT history and how Jesus fulfils all the promises God made to his people.

Today, we’re going right back to the beginning with Adam and Eve.

Even before God judges Adam and Eve for their sin, he promises that one day he will make things right again.

Genesis 3:15 – And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel

  • someone descended from the line of Eve
  • they would defeat the power of the enemy once and for all

The word translated as seed (‘zera) is singular in this verse, referring to one individual descendant.

Throughout Genesis, we see the development of a specific line of Eve’s seed, traced through Seth to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The whole Old Testament asks this question each time a leader or hero is raised up. Is this person the seed of Eve? Will this person deliver us from the power of Satan and this fallen world? And each time, they inevitably fall into sin.

How does Jesus fulfil this promise?

In his crucifixion, the serpent bruised Jesus’ heel


In his resurrection, Jesus crushed the head of the serpent and had victory over the enemy once and for all!

The whisper of hope found all the way back in Genesis 3:15 reaches its fulfilment in Jesus.

Bible verses: Genesis 3:15, Luke 3:23-38, Romans 16:20, Galatians 4:4

Additional resources

A Holy History – Adam & Eve, Over the Teacups

Jesus in Genesis 3:15?, Jeffrey Volkmer

The significance of Genesis 3:15, Derek Thomas

According to Plan, Graeme Goldsworthy

Listen to the podcast episode here

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