Sacred Seasons by Danielle Hitchen

Over the last few years, I’ve been drawn deeper into the riches of the church calendar. And I think I’m not the only one. It seems there’s a shift by many Christians to return to the liturgies and traditions of old. But, where do we start? In Sacred Seasons, Danielle Hitchen has provided a comprehensive handbook for those wanting to practice the church calendar in their own lives.

Sacred Seasons starts with a discussion of ‘keeping sacred time’. The importance of telling the story of Jesus year after year, and of reminding ourselves of the truth of the gospel. The beauty of an embodied faith, engaging in these holy days with our physical senses. While she holds the great value of keeping these traditions, Hitchen never steers into legalism or loses sight of grace. We are saved by faith in Jesus, not by our adherence to church tradition. But following these traditions can be a powerful expression of our saving faith, fixing our eyes on Jesus.

In this book, Hitchen follows the cycle of the church year, starting with Advent and leading all the way through to Allhallowtide. She provides a quick history of each stage, tracing its development and significance in the life of the church. Each chapter serves as a starting point, accessible for people who have no background in the traditional liturgies of the church.

This is a very practical book, and here we find its greatest strength. Each chapter contains numerous ideas for commemorating the church holidays. Prayers and liturgies, recipes, Scripture and hymns. Ancient practices and contemporary innovations. There is something here for each person and each stage of life. Just last month, we celebrated Ascension Day with my little boys by going to our nearby park and blowing bubbles! The ideas are presented in a way that is very achievable and grace-filled, even for busy families.

Sacred Seasons is not only practical and informative, it is also beautiful. Throughout the book, we find the simple but evocative art of Stephen Crotts illuminating the yearly cycle. This is a book to treasure and come back to time and time again, as I live out the church calendar in my family.

Keep reading to see my favourite quotes from Sacred Seasons.

“By honoring sacred time, we bear witness to all God has done, is doing and will do.” p.14

“In remembering – making present – God’s past and his future, we are transformed by the Holy Spirit into walking, talking intersections of time and eternity; embodiments of the gospel.” p.21

“As twenty-first-century believers, we have the great privilege of walking in the beautiful and vibrant traditions of two millenia of faithful believers.” p.23

“Though we observe the same seasons year after year, God invites us to experience them afresh, drawing us ever upward to himself.” p.32

“The season of Christmas is a celebration of kairos –  the opportune moment in which God entered history, time and our very own lives.”. p62

“Yes, we came from dust and yes, we shall return to dust again, but oh, what glorious things God can do with dust!” p.103

“Lent invites us to make Jesus’ powerful season of desert wandering present in our own lives while living into the future promise of our full restoration.” p.111

“Holy Week not only places us in God’s story but draws us, finally, to the very heart of the gospel.” p.129

“[Ordinary Time] is a season that acknowledges and dignifies the growth that comes from everyday faithfulness.” p.177

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